Monday, January 16, 2006

Favorite Book of the Bible

My favorite book has to be Ecclesiastes. I see alot of this book in myself. Basically this book is about King Slolomon and his search for truth and happiness through things. I have the same problem alot of times. For some reason, I get distracted with things and think they are going to make me happy. They generally do, but for only a short period of time. We live in a whole world that believes the more things you have the better you are. Solomon tries all sorts of stuff that in the end is destroyed by nature or wars. I like chapter 1. It does not waste any time till it starts breaking down your confedence in worldly things. Labor, Wisdom, and Pleasures are all meaningless. The Sea is never full. From what I get out of this book, life hear on earth is vain without the Lord. There is nothing that you yourself can do to make it any better. If you gain riches, someone is going to try to take it from you. You build something, it will eventually break and fall apart. Pleasure only lasts for a short period of time, and then it is gone. "Under the sun" there is nothing here on earth. You have to look further than this earth to find what you are seeking. Since Sin entered this world, this world has nothing for us. Yes, the Lord gives us experiences to drive us closer to Him, although at times it seems to us to be the oppisite direction.
Anyway, I have to get my day started. Later.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I have changed my mind on what I am going to do. I have decided that I do not spend enough time in the Word, so I am going to start making little exigesis papers for this blog. No, they are not going to be college quality. I am going to try to do this weekly. We will see how long this lasts. For now though, it is time for sleep. Later.

Friday, January 13, 2006

What this Blog is about

I am writing this blog as more of a personal blog. I want to share to those whom want to read what I see and what I think of life. I will warn you that I have a temper and sometimes it gets out. When it gets out, I have a hard time not acting childish and stupid. I do not always mean what I say, but it happens.